

SAUNA 2024! The weekend of open saunas in Rõuge municipality is coming again!

Savvusann Rõuges

On October 19, 2024, different expressive saunas and sauna families in Rõuge municipality will open their doors and hearts to experience the pleasures of saunas and the charms of rural life again, just like in the previous two years. We celebrate the birthday of our municipality according to rural people and keep the best practices of sauna culture only in our family and share them with our guests. 

IF YOU ARE READY TO SHARE your sauna and lifestyle this year, let us know by March 1 so we can start introducing saunas and sauna families. Feel free to write and call if you want to share your ideas or discuss. 

With sauna families, we go together to discuss sauna matters and learn from each other. The next meeting is on 18.03.2024 at 15:00 at the Hämkot farm. On 17.04.2024, starting at 13.00, we will gather for a tour of different saunas. We will visit 4-5 saunas, discuss the wisdom of choosing heating stones, and in the evening those who wish can go to the sauna together.


SANNA 2024! The leader Eda Veeroja Tel: 5032341

Rõuge Vallavalitsuse arendusnõunik Rutt Riitsaar Tel: 5169476

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